GLOBAL EDUCATION FOR PEACE:The dawn of the 21st century is the need for human unity and world peace
is vital & gretaer than ever before. The human unity can be achieved only through the'Peace Education. World Peace and
inter-cultural harmony is the result of felt need and is the gretaer expression of a great concern for humanity as well Peace
on Earth.
The Universal challenges and UNESCOs declaration for the Culture of Peace have motivated us to launch the 'Global Education
& Peace Research Institute'.
Global Education & Peace Research Institute (GEPRI) is an independent , nonprofit , autonomous institution under the
agies of" Seed of Peace Foundation "(Regd.) under the Society Registration Act XXI of 1860. The main objectives of GEPRI are
two folds:
- Fostering the Culture of Peace through Peace Education, and
- Promoting Inter-Cultural harmony for establishing Non-Violent Global Sustainable Society.
The Institute (GEPRI) is engaged in research and education project through information dissemination about Peace,Human
Rights, Democracy and Environment including Conflicts, Social Injustice, Ecological degradation and Human Development.