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Global Nonviolence
Peace & Nonviolence : Postings

Here's a roadmap to Peace & Nonviolence weblog...

Here is a list of Global Peace & Nonviolence Action Programs & also a list of  World Peace Conferences   organized in 2003.

The International Nonviolent Peaceforce is Launched!

FOR helped to launch an international Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) on November 28, 2002, in Surajkund , India. Delegates from 47 countries and 75 NGOs helped realize Gandhi's vision of the Shanti Sena, a trained peacekeeping corps to intervene in conflict areas and create safe space for local groups to struggle nonviolently and seek peaceful resolution.

Read more...                                                                                      Global Nonviolent PeaceForce www.nonviolentpeaceforce.org



  • 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PEACE & NONVIOLENCE ACTION- Feb.23- 27, 2003 at Jaipur,India. Organized By: Anuvart Global  Organization www.anuvibha.org
  • WORLD PEACE CONGRESS 2003                         
  • May 16 - 18, 2003 - Education for Peace: The Best Investment for Future Generations. Grand Hotel Majestic Verbania- Pallanza, Lake Maggiore, Italy. For more information - http://www.earthportals.com/Portal_Messenger/iaewpnews.html

The Power of Networking for Peaceful Leadership:            March 7-8,2003 ,USA  www.peaceexchange.org

CTAUN Conference for Educators -Friday  Jan.31st,2003 ,NY,USA www.teachun.org

EDUCATING FOR PEACE IN DIVIDING SOCIETIES           Aug.4-10,2003  For fuurther Information  E-mail  to;1. Asia Pacific Center for International Understanding ,Seoul,Korea apceiu@unesco.org.kr 2. Peace Education Center, New York,USA  peace-ed@exchange.tc.columbia.edu





Violence Resistence Week has been planned by Sadbhavana Mission,New Delhi,India to observe Frb.27 to March 5 as violence Resistance week. IIT Delhi, Jamia and JNU groups are working out the programs in their respective institutions for the first two days, to be followed by visits to schools, pheris in localities, presenting a mamorandum to PM and organizing 24 hr shanti paaths.

Violence Resistance Week (February 27-March 5, 2003) Friends, A year ago two thousand innocent countrymen were burnt alive in train and houses. We feel their agony and muster courage to resist communal, terrorist, and caste violence that want to crush the masses and establish their rule over them. Let this realization go in our nerves that workers of all religions are one - the laborers, artisans, farmers, watchmen, cleaners, rikshaw pullers, peanut vendors etc. are one. They comprise 85% of country's population but possess less than 15% of national resources and wealth. The per capita income of most people is less than half the national average.

We present mamoramda to the Prime Minister that the government formulate a national policy to safeguard life, dignity and property of all citizens against caste, communal and terrorist violence without discrimination. It deal with terrorists and communalists with same ferocity, bring killers to justice, weed out communal elements from police and administration, and ensure equitable representation of all communities in these classes.

We organize a 24 hr akhand shaanti paath in our locality where we collectively sing dohas (couplets) from sufis and saints (Kabir, Nanak, Raidas, Khusro, Mira, Tulsi etc.) and read brief passages on struggles of people for truth. Conatct -Prof.V.K.Tripathi Sadbhavna Mission 5, C-Street, IIT, New Delhi 110016 Ph.26581737: sadbhavm@yahoo.com